

Creacombe solar farm offers a unique opportunity to directly reduce local energy costs for the community, retaining a strong local economic benefit, while also contributing to local and national carbon-reduction targets.

An ideal solar site - the area ranks in the top 2% for light levels in the country; and an excellent cost-effective grid connection has been secured close to the site – conditions which are unique to this site.

Energy security – Solar energy diversifies the UK’s energy mix reducing reliance on limited fossil fuels and the risks of importing energy. In March 2017 the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) stated that the UK will need an additional 45% of new generation throughout the 2020s. It expects half of this to be provided from low-carbon generators such as solar PV, onshore wind and nuclear.

Public support for renewables – Government surveys consistently show strong support for renewable energy. Support was at 79% while “Opposition to renewables was very low at 4%, with only 1% strongly opposed”BEIS Energy & Climate Change Public Attitude Tracker Wave 21, May 2017.

Carbon reduction targets - The CCC noted in October 2016: “The fifth carbon budget was legislated by Parliament and the new Government following the Brexit vote. It commits the UK to a 57% reduction in emissions from 1990 to 2030. This requires a continuation of the historical rate of emissions reduction. Meeting the budget will require actions across all sectors of the economy.” The report goes on to say that the share of low-carbon power will need to increase from 45% to 80% by 2030.

The EU has stated that continuing to meet environmental targets will be a fundamental requirement of any post Brexit trade deal between the UK and Europe.

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